Worcester Environmental Education & Research Effort (WEERE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the support of research and education to develop, clarify, and define the understanding of environmental medical conditions.
The funds received on behalf of WEERE are used to support a variety of excellent causes. Some of these include:
* Specific research on patient treatments
* Library research
* Writing and publishing of findings
WEERE donations also support other activities that may foster the furtherance of understanding and education for the general public and specific individuals interested in developing knowledge and practice in environmental health issues.
Worcester Environmental Education & Research Effort, Inc. funds have been donated to:
* International Health Foundation
* Practical Allergy Research Foundation (Dr. Doris Rapp)
* Broda Barnes Foundation
* International Foundation for Biosocial Research and Education
* Human Ecology Action League
Worcester Environmental Education & Research Effort, Inc.'s projects in process:
* Treatment for "The Yeast Connection"
* Chemical Exposure Profile Validation Study
* Chemical and Electrical Sensitivities (click here for a bibliography of related publications)
WEERE obtains funding through individual donations and through the sales of environmentally correct products, including vitamins and supplements.
For more information about this great cause, please contact Worcester Environmental Education & Research Effort, Inc., 360 West Boylston Street, Suite 108, West Boylston, Massachusetts 01583. Our telephone number is (508) 854-1380. You can also contact us by email at info@weere.org.
Copyright 2007-2015, Worcester Environmental Education & Research Effort, Inc. Last Modified: March 23, 2015